Subtitle Real Time Strategy Simulator 2.91.0 ver without downloading Army Men Strike hack mod codes free

Subtitle Real Time Strategy Simulator 2.91.0 ver without downloading Army Men Strike hack mod codes free








210,1 mb
Version 2.94.0
authors - VolcanoGames
genre - Strategy
review - I originally gave it four stars, but the more I've played it, the less impressed I've become. After you've gotten through the first *fun* levels, you spend most of your time (or money) on waiting for or speeding up upgrades. And the actual RPG game aspect hasn't been terribly satisfying. Those games tend to end really quickly or they're impossible—there's very little in-between. I just won two or three battles easily and now I'm waiting to upgrade all the dependencies to upgrade the Chinook helicopter so I can get a few more levels, and I just spent the last hour doing the same thing to get to the areas of the battles I just won (not to mention the $$$ spent to speed up upgrades)! If this pattern continues I'm going to give up on the game—I'm not that patient. I'd prefer many more levels and I wish the levels were bigger. Requiring upgrades of multiple things to get to only two or three pithy levels that aren't that hard to win is too tedious to be a game. There are side quest games, but they aren't all that satisfying, either. That being said, there are plenty of other potentially interesting co-opt aspects *that are not explained terribly well* that may make this game worthwhile. I've only been playing it for half a day or so, so maybe its something I've missed
82720 votes
4,4 of 5



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